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Friday, June 17, 2011

Unlock the Secret Weapon of Healthy Cancer Free Skin.

You and I were born on this small planet which circles a huge mass of energy called the sun.  Without the sun we all would not be here.  When we don't have it in winter we are miserable and if we don't get it in summer then that is all everyone talks about.   If you spend all day indoors you are cranky,  yet when you get outside and spend a few hours you end up feeling fabulous.   Our bodies are built for sunshine!  In fact, unless we ignore our senses and allow ourselves to get sunburned, the sun is good for us!  
In Australia they run a campaign called "slip, slop-slap".  Slip-slop-slap advises people to "slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, and slap on a hat.  "Since this campaign  was introduced along with the advertisement and a jingle, the incident of the two most common forms of skin cancer (basal-cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) in Australia has decreased.  However, the incident of melanoma- the most lethal form of skin cancer - has increased."(1)  Australia now has the highest incident of melanoma skin cancer in the world.     The same article goes on to talk about how in the United States the incidents of  melanoma deaths has doubled in men and tripled in woman between 1950 and 1990 after the introduction of sunscreens.  Now approximately one million people are diagnosed with skin cancer a year in the USA.

So given this information, it's way past time for the medical establishment (and sunscreen manufacturers) to give up on the sun gives you skin cancer.  OK so lets look at the real cause behind skin cancer.  A recent article by Dr. Niva Shapira in the journal of Nutrition Reviews (3) points directly to the major culprit behind the large majority of skin cancers: poor diet!

Cancer Prevention Whole FoodsWhat you eat can have an impact on the development of cancer.  To reduce your overall risk of cancer, eating all  ORGANIC  food is essential.  You need to be eating whole foods and nothing processed--enriched--fortified--chemical filled--genetically altered--artificial food  which will help you to lose your health instead of gaining optimum health.  If you are not really sure what are the best cancer prevention foods for you to be eating to obtain optimum health, then I recommend finding a nutritionist and seeking guidance.  You may have deficiencies that may need to be addressed immediately.  
So here is the bottom line on skin cancer.  Educate yourself and be intelligent about skin cancer prevention.  Find out everything that you can about nutrition and you will be on the road to great health.  
Don't forget to get your chiropractic adjustment as an adjustment can help relieve the pain associated with different diseases.  As a result of chiropractic care many people experience relief due to the body's innate ability to heal itself.

1. http://ajph.aphapublications.org/cgi/reprint/82/4/614
2.  http://ajph.aphapublications.org/cgi/reprint/82/4/614
3. [Shapira N., Nutrition Reviews 2010; 68(2); 75-86]

1 comment:

  1. Staying from the sun when able, using sunscreen, and avoiding tanning booths would be the most commonly cited techniques to fighting off skin cancer. One area that’s often neglected may be the importance of skin cancer prevention diet.
