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Stay tuned for tons of great information about chiropractics specific to San Francisco. To follow us on Twitter and FaceBook click on the corresponding link on the top left of this page.

If you need the services of a professional chiropractor in San Francisco please don't hesitate to call us on (415) 775-2273.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tips to Prevent Lower Back Pain for Golfers.

If you are a fanatical golfer or just like to get out there and have a hit, then this is a must read for you.  The game of golf can be so frustrating that you often see grown men and woman crying from not only their bad shot but also from hurting their back.  So to really enjoy the game and give it your best, read this blog on how to not injure your back and shoot your best round ever.

  • Warm-up:  The golf swing is a very explosive movement that can put extra stress on joints and muscles if they are not ready for action. Do some dynamic stretching and take some easy swings to help loosen up before you practice or play. 

  • There are three common causes of this kind of pain including: posture, lack of flexibility, and restricted motion in the involved joints and /muscles.  So here are some tips to help you stay at the top of your game.

  • Get Regular chiropractic checkups: A recent study done involving golfers who were under routine Chiropractic care stated they experienced not only a decrease in their overall pain levels after playing, but also an improvement in their game (longer driving distance, and more consistency in attempted shots). 

  • Strengthen your core: It is not uncommon for people to be weak or have muscle imbalances in this area. Be sure to include exercises that target all of the abdominal, low back, and gluteus muscles.

  • Stretch after playing: Having enough muscle flexibility and joint mobility to execute the golf swing properly is essential. Just 5-10 minutes of static stretching after playing and every day can make a world of difference.

  • These suggestions are simple, but very effective when the objective is to strengthen the midsection as well as prevent lower back injuries. Stay consistent, listen to your body, and expect a strong healthy core to develop that will help you on the golf course!  Get regular chiropractic adjustments from your chiropractor.  If your back is even a little sore from golf, get it checked out today.

    Tuesday, August 2, 2011

    The Financial Crisis and YOUR health.

    It's your body and your health so take charge of it now.

    This is definitely a stressful time in the United States history when it comes to finance. There is a lot of
    uncertainty and false information floating around about what is going to happen. To break it all down the United States of America has a critical illness
    that if not handled promptly will turn this country into something we may not recognize for quite a few years. To a certain degree we are at the mercy of a government that has gone mad and doesn't make a lot of sense. If the bickering at Capitol Hill doesn't stop and make some wise decisions soon it will cost my health, your health and your grandchildren's health, without a doubt!

    So what does this all have to do with chiropractic and your health. Everything! There are definitely tough roads ahead for all of us. But many of the people who settled this country faced way more formidable obstacles with even less tools. But what they had was "courage" and attitude that could slay a raging lion! So my solution is "man up"! Get your health in great shape. Get a chiropractor that can assist you with those body ailments before they turn into a back injury that keeps you out of work for a month. If you already have a injury going on, then go and see your chiropractor today before it turns into something major. Long lasting or chronic stress suppress the immune system, which in turn increase the susceptibility to illness, especially to immune-related disorders or cancer. Emotional stress also leads to hormonal imbalances that interfere with immune system function. If you are already seeing a chiropractor and keep your body in optimal health then this crisis will be challenging but confront-able. Doing it with major illnesses and pain hanging over your head, not so doable. We will make it through this crisis, but having a chiropractor in your corner to take care of your health will be essential to operate at maximum potential to tackle the rest.

    If you don't know what chiropractic is about read this;
    Chiropractic is a drug-free and non-surgical science. Chiropractors look at the human body and give special attention to its physiological and biochemical aspects. Major areas of concern for a chiropractor when examining a patient can include spinal or musculoskeletal structure, neurological activity, vascular systems, nutrition habits, emotions, and environmental relationships. Chiropractors are first-contact physicians who can diagnose conditions that may be treatable by a chiropractor, referred to other health care professionals, or co-managed treatments with other health care professionals.

    So, take care of yourself! It's your body. You may not have time for health today, but do you want to HAVE to make time for illness in the future?

    Friday, July 1, 2011

    The Best Kept Secret Places to Watch Fireworks in San Francisco.

    Best place to watch fireworks in the Bay Area?

    The Marin headlands are the best place in the Bay Area to watch fireworks. You can see fireworks from San Francisco, Oakland, Alameda and even Great America on a good night. And the best part is that it's all reflected on the water, so you see twice the show.

    Indian Rock in Berkeley. When you climb to the top of it, you get a magnificent, unobstructed view of the Bay Area. Simultaneously you get this remarkable surrealistic sensation of viewing fireworks while sitting on a beautiful huge rhyolite volcanic rock that is over 11 millions years old.

    On the grass at the Oakland A's coliseum. After celebrating the A's with great fans, there's nothing like laying out on the Major League Baseball field with friends watching fireworks to end your night.

    Point Tiburon. One gets to see San Francisco's and Sausalito's display -- and, it used be, Oakland's, too -- with a cool ocean breeze and not too much traffic.

    There's a semi-secret watching spot in the Presidio that's fairly uncrowded for the San Francisco show. Not super close, but a good view, with easy parking.

    Tuesday, June 28, 2011

    How to Stay Safe in a Car Accident.

    Car accidents, on almost every occasion, provide miserable experiences for both parties involved. Often, individuals are left wondering where to go for help. Some reluctantly go to the hospital, expecting answers and symptomatic relief, only to leave in just as much pain as when they went in. Pain killers, muscle relaxants, and soft braces are given as one prepares for an unknown future.      
    Before we even go over what to do after a car accident there are a few things that you should know if you ever do unfortunately have an accident.
    Lawrence Nordhoff, Jr., D.C.,accident re constructionist and author of two texts on vehicle collisions makes the following suggestions for that split second when you see the car approaching:
    1. "Tighten up and brace yourself holding on firmly to the ten o'clock and two o'clock position of the steering wheel."
    The idea of remaining loose and relaxed is wrong! Contracted muscles protect the bones, discs, ligaments and nerves.
    2. "Keep your wrists flat, not bent," to prevent wrist injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
    3. "Face forward, look straight ahead and sit squarely against the back of your seat." Never allow passengers to bend forward in airbag-equipped cars. If you are about to be rear-ended, press your head firmly against the headrest.
    4. "When stopped, keep an eye on your rear view mirror." You have a better chance of not being injured if you're aware of the oncoming collision.
    According to Dr. Nordhoff, the average person will be in a car collision once every ten years. Practice these four points upon entering your car will make them "instinctual" when the situation arises. Before the "big day" there are a few things to keep in mind.
    1. "Buy Big! Size counts!"
    Gas economy is great for our environment and small cars look cute, but when you're watching an S.U.V. drive into the back of your Hyundai, you'll wish you had a Suburban.
    2. Sit at least 6" from the steering wheel to avoid serious injury caused by the airbag crushing into your chest. If you're too short, get pedal extenders.
    3. The headrest must contact the area just above your ears. Most are set too low and act as karate chop when you're struck from behind.
    4. Never place the shoulder harness behind your back. This puts the stress on the lap belt causing spinal cord injuries. If you're large breasted, use a shoulder strap cushion such as lambs wool. 
    5. Put a cushion on the glass in old pick-up trucks whose rear window acts as the head restraint.
    6. Changed seat belts every 10 years and after major car accidents.
    7. Service and check the ABS (anti lock braking system) every time you change your pads (must be requested).
    8. Do not pump your ABS!  This can cause your car to flip over. Just hold the brakes to the floor. It will naturally grab, grind and feel jerky but it is supposed to do this. Practice the feel of abrupt braking in a vacant lot.
    9. Carry high insurance coverage.   It's fairly inexpensive and will free you from having to sue your insurance company to have your treatment covered.
    Often knowing  information before something happens will cut the negative experience of it in half.  You have all the information needed to do what is necessary.

    • A low-velocity collision can cause soft-tissue damage in the posterior neck, which may lead to chronic whiplash symptoms.
    • “A variety of factors, including the occupant’s awareness or head position in a colliding vehicle, defines the risk of neck injury to passengers in colliding vehicles. One can only conclude that the threshold of injury is a complex dynamic relying on velocity, force, head position, head-torso angles, restraint placement, anticipation, tissue elasticity, tissue strength, and any multitude of variables that evade accurate determination.”
    • “Follow-up x-rays taken an average of 7 years after injury in one series of patients without prior x-rays evidence of disc disease indicated that 39% had developed degenerative disc disease at one or more disc levels since injury.”
    • “Whiplash injury results in chronic neck pain and headache in about 20% of subjects.”
    • A study of 22 traffic accident victims found 245 bone, diskoligamentous, and soft tissue lesions of the cervical spine that were not detected on radiographs.
    • 43% of those injured in whiplash will experience long-term symptoms.
    • In one journal article chiropractic improved the symptom category of 93% chronic whiplash patients. This is particularly important considering that 96% of these patients had intrusive symptoms that handicapped their work and leisure activities and required frequent use of pain drugs, or they were severely disabled, having lost jobs and required continued medical interventions with constant use of pain drugs.
    So the motto of the story is make sure that you have all the information on how to be as safe as possible during a car accident.  Make sure that you get your body checked immediately following a car accident  by a chiropractor.  Don't sit there and think about it, get it done straight away.  It's your body , you need it to be in top condition to have a great life.  Just because you are reading this blog means that you already care about your life, but there are people out there who are having horrible existences and are not totally responsible for their actions. 

    Friday, June 17, 2011

    Unlock the Secret Weapon of Healthy Cancer Free Skin.

    You and I were born on this small planet which circles a huge mass of energy called the sun.  Without the sun we all would not be here.  When we don't have it in winter we are miserable and if we don't get it in summer then that is all everyone talks about.   If you spend all day indoors you are cranky,  yet when you get outside and spend a few hours you end up feeling fabulous.   Our bodies are built for sunshine!  In fact, unless we ignore our senses and allow ourselves to get sunburned, the sun is good for us!  
    In Australia they run a campaign called "slip, slop-slap".  Slip-slop-slap advises people to "slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, and slap on a hat.  "Since this campaign  was introduced along with the advertisement and a jingle, the incident of the two most common forms of skin cancer (basal-cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) in Australia has decreased.  However, the incident of melanoma- the most lethal form of skin cancer - has increased."(1)  Australia now has the highest incident of melanoma skin cancer in the world.     The same article goes on to talk about how in the United States the incidents of  melanoma deaths has doubled in men and tripled in woman between 1950 and 1990 after the introduction of sunscreens.  Now approximately one million people are diagnosed with skin cancer a year in the USA.

    So given this information, it's way past time for the medical establishment (and sunscreen manufacturers) to give up on the sun gives you skin cancer.  OK so lets look at the real cause behind skin cancer.  A recent article by Dr. Niva Shapira in the journal of Nutrition Reviews (3) points directly to the major culprit behind the large majority of skin cancers: poor diet!

    Cancer Prevention Whole FoodsWhat you eat can have an impact on the development of cancer.  To reduce your overall risk of cancer, eating all  ORGANIC  food is essential.  You need to be eating whole foods and nothing processed--enriched--fortified--chemical filled--genetically altered--artificial food  which will help you to lose your health instead of gaining optimum health.  If you are not really sure what are the best cancer prevention foods for you to be eating to obtain optimum health, then I recommend finding a nutritionist and seeking guidance.  You may have deficiencies that may need to be addressed immediately.  
    So here is the bottom line on skin cancer.  Educate yourself and be intelligent about skin cancer prevention.  Find out everything that you can about nutrition and you will be on the road to great health.  
    Don't forget to get your chiropractic adjustment as an adjustment can help relieve the pain associated with different diseases.  As a result of chiropractic care many people experience relief due to the body's innate ability to heal itself.

    1. http://ajph.aphapublications.org/cgi/reprint/82/4/614
    2.  http://ajph.aphapublications.org/cgi/reprint/82/4/614
    3. [Shapira N., Nutrition Reviews 2010; 68(2); 75-86]

    Thursday, June 9, 2011

    Having Fun is not an Option!

    "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."  

    When you  become stressed or your body starts hurting you tend to give up the things you normally enjoy.  This means you often have less energy and don't participate in the very things that would give you more energy and make you feel better about life.  Having fun gives you more energy.

    By taking the time for things that you love and enjoy, you build your own strength, boost your self-esteem, and give yourself a chance to "blow off" some of life's stresses.  Although you may have many priorities in your life, it is essential that you make room for at least some of the activities that  you enjoy.    Maintaining your well being requires a balance between your responsibilities and yourself.  If you give everything to your job or your children then at the end of the day you are left with nothing for yourself and you feel resentful and drained.  Don't believe me, go and hang out at a supermarket on a Friday night and watch some grumpy parents and workers.

    In finding your balance, it is important to remember that you may feel that you don't have the time, energy or money to do some of the things you enjoy.  Don't wait for your eagerness or interest to return before you get moving.  They may not come back on their own.  First, you need to begin doing some of the things you used to like.  The enjoyment and enthusiasm will catch and pretty soon you will be loving life again.  Fake it until you make it!

    If you have some kind of injury that excludes you from doing the fun things you love then take the time to get the injury handled.  Then in the mean time find some things that you love that you can do.  Your whole life will feel joyous again and your energy level will boom and your injury will actually heal faster.  

    Saturday, May 28, 2011

    Energy Drink Alert

    Anyone who is out with teenagers and young adults  in the morning will see them on the bus having a energy drink  to get them awake before school and work.  Lucky they are not in Denmark, Malaysia or  France as Red Bull  has been banned from those countries.  If you are a consumer of energy drinks read this vital information below.
    Red Bull was originally  created to stimulate the brain in people who are subjected to great physical force and was never designed to be consumed by normal people, especially not children, teenagers and young adults.
    The reason Red Bull was banned in France and Denmark is due to its vitamin components mixed with a highly dangerous chemical which was developed by the United States Department of Defense during the 1960s to stimulate the morale of the troops based in Vietnam.
    The chemical that is in Red Bull acts like a hallucinogenic drug that calmed the stress of war in the GIs.  The effects of this on the human body were also devastating.  The U.S. Army discontinued its use.  It caused a high index of cases of migraine headaches, cerebral tumors, and diseases of the liver.
    My advice to everyone who thinks these drinks are a great idea.  If you don't have enough energy to make it through the day then you are not getting enough sleep, exercise or proper nutrition.  There should be no reason to "boost" your energy through artificial means.  Learn how to balance your health the natural way and ditch the artificial  "crutches".  

    So when you have the two-thirty blues,  just remember that its not an incurable disease.  Have some extra water, take a short walk in the fresh air, pop some vitamins and power up on something nutritious.  

    Monday, May 16, 2011

    Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

    Spring means flowers, blooming trees, sunshine and also if you're one of the millions of people who have spring time allergies, it means sneezing, congestion, runny nose and a whole host of miserable symptoms.  Before you go and cruise the overflowing allergy-medication aisle at the local pharmacy try some of these natural remedies.  It's important to remember that many of these remedies have been used for decades and sometimes centuries.

    1. Begin with a non-allergenic diet:  Although allergens* are external, it is actually our body's response to them that is the cause of the allergy — it is an allergic reaction. If your body is already inundated with food allergy triggers, your immune system will be hyper-wired to react to external allergens.  Eliminate wheat, dairy, and excess sugar,  the most common allergens.
    2. Try a spoonful of honey: Choose local honey produced by bees that live in your area. The theory is that consuming honey may be much like immunotherapy,  in the same way that allergists introduce tiny doses of an allergen to reduce sensitivity. As bees collect nectar from flowers,  they inadvertently pick up pollen grains,  which get into the honey,  creating homeopathic immunotherapy*.
    Using honey as a preventive works best with a daily dose several weeks or months before allergy season. Check out your town's farmers market for some local honey.
    3. Take vitamin C : Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and also a mast cell “stabilizer.” Mast cells are tiny cells that line the mucous membranes, which when exposed to an allergen, release histamine.
    Histamine in the bloodstream is the cause of symptoms such as, eye irritation, sneezing, and a runny nose. Vitamin C makes mast cells less reactive, thus reducing allergy symptom.
    4. Drink stinging nettle leaf tea: If you have come in contact with this perennial, you probably remember the sting. But it’s safe and healthy in drink form. Steep the tea for 10 to 15 minutes to obtain the full benefits of the medicinal oils.
    5. Sooth your nose with a neti pot: Seasonal allergies are usually due to pollen from flowering plants, grasses, and trees that become stuck in the nasal passages. Pollen triggers the inflammatory process that we call allergies. One way to reduce symptoms is to wash the allergens out with salt-water.
    Neti pots have been used since ancient India to clear nasal passages. Using a neti pot or a saline nasal rinse, such as Sinucleanse,  is a great way to help reduce allergy symptoms.
    6. Inhale steam with essential oils: Bring water to a boil in a saucepan and then turn off the heat. Place 4 drops eucalyptus oil, 1 to 2 drops tea tree oil, and 3 drops rosemary essential oil.  Drape a large towel over your head and inhale deeply for 5 to 10 minutes.
    7.  According to "The American Chiropractor", chiropractic care is not a direct form of treatment for allergies.  However, regular adjustments help boost your immune system.  A better- functioning immune system decreases your chance of allergy-related illnesses such as sinus infections.  Overall, chiropractic adjustments for allergies help reduce symptoms.
    So there you have it, you don't need to pack your bags and head for the desert or finally make that seasonal move to Hawaii.  Well you can still do that if you like, but if you need to stick around town try out some of the simple allergy remedies that are simple and inexpensive.
    *An allergen is any substance that can cause an allergy.
    *immunotherapy is a medical term defines as "treatment of disease by inducing, enhancing or supressing an immune response."

    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    The Art of Lifting.

    You knew you should have lifted the box correctly inside the house but you were rushing and didn't think that it was that heavy and now your back is in spasms and you can't move. This is where the idiom comes in "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".   Back pain is often caused by everyday bad habits that stress and strain your anatomy.  Learning to lift correctly is not something that everyone learns how to do unless their dad was the moving man or a chiropractor.

    Relearning how to lift and move items can help with back pain prevention and something that you want to pass onto your children. Below is a picture of the correct way to lift.  Practice lifting a box when it is relatively light to make sure that you have the correct stance in place and then move on to heavier boxes as you feel more confident.

    1. Avoid twisting and turning motions when you lift.  If you have to turn to place the object, step in the direction of the turn, don't just twist at the waist.
    2. Always bend at your knees, not your waist, when lifting anything heavier than 10 percent of your body weight (e.g. a child or heavy box).
    3. When lifting an object, plant your feet about 12-18 inches apart, kneel or squat in front of the object, and lift as you straighten up. Be sure to lift with the big muscles of your thighs, arms, and shoulders, not with your back.
    4. In some situations, it is difficult to lift correctly. Getting grocery bags out of the car is one such situation.
    5. The car bumper doesn't allow you to bend your knees. Bring the bag to you first and then lift carefully.
    6. When engaging in repetitive lifting, use good lifting form, take frequent breaks, and use equipment to help whenever possible.
    7. To avoid tripping, be sure your path is clear before you lift the item.

    Don't forget to use the power of your legs to lift the heavy item and keep the item as close to your body as possible.  If you have injured your back call you local chiropractor and he will tell you what you can do for immediate relief.

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    Feelings of nervousness, irritability and being unable to relax are signs of needing magnesium.

    Magnesium influences many bodily functions including digestion, energy production, muscle function, bone formation, creation of new cells, activation of B vitamins and relaxation of muscles, as well as assisting in the function of the heart, kidneys, adrenals, brain and nervous system. Magnesium is an essential mineral.  This means that the body doesn't make it and it must be obtained through the diet.

    Hundreds of years ago we would have been able to get our magnesium through our food source as the soil was healthy and full of vitamins and minerals.  The quality of our soil has deteriorated due to the use of fertilizers that contain large amounts of potassium which don't allow vegetables to then absorb magnesium.  So diets are now seriously lacking in the required magnesium and here are some symptoms:

    *low energy
    *PMS and hormonal imbalances
    *inability to sleep
    *weakening bones
    *muscle tension
    *muscle spasms
    *abnormal heart rhythms

    The second part of this story is the huge impact the calcium has in balancing our magnesium.  Calcium excites nerves, while magnesium calms them down.  Calcium makes muscles contract.  Magnesium is necessary to make muscles relax.  Calcium is needed for blood clotting, but magnesium keeps the blood flowing freely.  It is easy to see that maintaining these minerals in balance is vital and that too little magnesium to balance calcium could be both uncomfortable and and unhealthy.

    The solution for getting the correct amounts of calcium and magnesium is in a form that can be completely dissolves in water.  In this state it will absorb quickly into the body, producing fast relief.  Pills need to break down into liquid form before they can be absorbed and not all people, especially as the grow older,  have the capacity to digest these.  The result may be the absorption of little, if any, actual nutrition.

    You may already have enough calcium in your diet so won't need to take calcium and magnesium.  In this case you would just need CALM, the magnesium drink.  Any questions?  Well give us a call and we can take a look at your diet and see what your needs are 415-775-2273.

    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    Massage helps reduce pain.

    Massage therapy has been around for thousands of years.  The word "massage" comes from the Greek root "masso" --to touch. 

    Muscles which comprise up to 50 percent of your total body weight, can become fatigued, injured or simply achy from chronic stress and tension.  Massage helps restore your muscle and surrounding soft tissue to optimal condition, leaving you refreshed and feeling your best.  The process involves applying pressure to the body's soft tissue by rubbing, kneading or rolling.  There are a variety of techniques and styles, such as deep tissue massage, where deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue are manipulated.  Another approach focuses on trigger points that are painful when pressed.

    Massage can help reduce pain, muscle soreness and swelling.  It can improve circulation, joint flexibility and range of motion.  Massage is not a substitute for chiropractic care, massage is not a form of chiropractic, massage is not something you get during an adjustment and vice versa.  Massage is a compliment to an adjustment.  Its benefits are varied and far-reaching.  Many people consider massage a pampering experience, but it has important health benefits.  In fact, like chiropractic you get the greatest benefit when it is part of your regular wellness routine.

    Thursday, January 20, 2011

    What is the best way to sleep?

    Patients often ask me what is the best sleeping position and considering that you may spend up to one third of your night sleeping, it makes perfect sense to pay extra attention to your sleeping position and improve it if necessary.   As sleeping habits are exactly that "habits", they can definitely be changed with some awareness and willingness. 

    There are some positions that are better for your back and the overall alignment of your spine.  To keep your back in perfect alignment you should sleep flat on your back, but very few of us do this and there are other options.

    Here are the other options:
    On Your Side If you sleep on your side, always place a pillow between your knees to prevent your hips from leaning forward and twisting your spine while you sleep. This is especially helpful when suffering of low back pain. 

    On Your Stomach: It's not good to sleep on your stomach due to the increased amount of stress placed on your spine. But if you must, then you should raise one leg up slightly and prop a pillow under that knee. It's sort of an enhanced side sleep position. Or you can opt for re-teach yourself how to sleep by taping a soft stress ball to the front of your pajamas – your body will quickly learn that sleeping face down is a very uncomfortable experience! 

    One of the most common benefits I hear from patients receiving chiropractic care is that their sleeping is improved.  When you wake up in the morning, you should feel restful, relaxed, regenerated and pain free.  Keeping some of these sleeping tips can help you accomplish this regularly.  Get into the habit of protecting your spine even while you sleep with proper sleeping positions.

    Friday, January 7, 2011

    Ouch, my head hurts.

    I could never say in the morning, "I have a headache and cannot do thus and so". Headache or no headache, thus and so had to be done."   Eleanor Roosevelt

    Who hasn't experienced this before, life must go on despite the pain throbbing in your temples.  The common reaction is usually just to reach for the bottle of pain killers. With pain reliever, think long-term.  They only mask the problem, so it is likely to return. This results in the consumption of more medication. Not only is this risky, but very costly.
    Instead consider chiropractic care.  Chiropractic care is not only safer, but cheaper, less invasive, and long-lasting.  Doctors of chiropractic successfully help thousands of individuals everyday obtain safe, effective, long-term relief from their headaches. This is because most headaches have a spinal, muscular, or habitual component which the chiropractor has been trained to identify and treat. In fact, surveys show that 10-25% of patients initiate chiropractic care for the relief of headaches. 
    So don't reach for the pain pills, it's not worth it in the long run.  Getting regular chiropractic care is similar to visiting your dentist.  Routine dental care helps your teeth remain healthy for a long time. The same is true of chiropractic care for your spine. It is important to remember that, just like your teeth, your spine experiences normal wear and tear as you  hunch over the computer, sit in traffic, rush to take the stairs to get to your appointment on time and slump on the couch watching t.v.
    All sound familiar?  Do yourself and your body a favor, make an appointment with your chiropractor to resolve your headaches once and for all.